
New Article Writing Prompt

  Hey folks, here's a new blog and article writing prompt to help you generate articles fast using AI - in a way that isn't obviously AI generated! However, please keep in mind the importance of what we call the 'human filter' - you should never use raw AI output without first editing and checking it - AI can make mistakes afterall! New Prompt Technique! This prompt has a new technique I've been playing with - you'll find it in the last part of the prompt. Basically, it tells the AI to iterate internally before producing the final article or blog. I've tried this with and without, and the articles are better with; so seems this is working well! Getting Started Personalize:  Replace the placeholders [in square brackets] to tailor the prompt with what you need for your article.  Careful, the placeholder to set the length of the article is down in the presentation section of the prompt. Paste & Generate:  Feed the prompt to your favorite AI model. I recomme